Homemade paneer with pak choi and curry - Tastecelebration.com
Did you ever try paneer (or panir as you also see sometimes)? It is an Indian cheese that you can fry and add to al different kinds of sauces. It has a lovely crisp when fried and is a perfect vegetarian alternative when you are longing for something crunchy and filling. And the best thing, it is super easy to make yourself at home with just a few ingredients. When having the cheese already at home, the dinner can be ready in about 15 minutes. In other words; the perfect dinner on a tired and rushed day during the week! Since you also rather easily can get the cheese in a well-stocked supermarket or health store, I have decided to first give you the recipe for the dish itself and then the paneer. Just to prove that I also have fast food in my repertoire… Lets get to work! 2 persons Ingredients for main dish with paneer with pak choi and curry 200 gram fresh paneer 1 big red onion 1 tsp of yellow curry pasta (ask your own …