All posts tagged: blueberries


Full-grain quinoa porridge with plenty of deliciousness

Do you want a nice breakfast that makes you happy and going until lunchtime? Then you just have to try my full-grain quinoa porridge with plenty of deliciousness!


Fresh dessert with coconut milk, red berries and rose water

The inspiration for this dessert I had years ago in an Indonesian restaurant. I have never had it since but the tastebuds hadn’t forgotten about it. It was time to create a copy-cat from an old food memory, fresh dessert with coconut milk, red berries and rose water!

Sunday treat with pumpkin muffin

It’s Sunday afternoon, its almost the end of september 2015. You have been good all week doing your workouts, you are well prepared for the coming week, you have been kind to your children/ husband/wife (pick an appropriate alternative). Now it is finally you-time!