Vegan risotto with turnip, marinated onion and facon - Tastecelebration.com
I looooove risotto! It should be creamy with a hard center. Soft, rich and comforting. Only a minor problem. The rice. Lots of loving carbs that I’m trying to avoid. Well, I obviously have to think in new solutions. Preferably also without any products with lactose, just as an extra challenge. Hmmmm. This is my creamy solution: a risotto made with turnip. For a vegan alternative to the parmesan, use nutritional yeast or savoury yeast flakes as it also is called. The flakes are made of deactivated yeast and rather popular among vegetarians and vegans for its nutty, cheesy taste. Most of the times you add it to your ready-made dish and then sprinkle it on top. It also works mixed with your pesto, just like you would have done when adding your parmesan. In the risotto, it works the same. But let’s be honest, you can’t beat the taste of a real parmesan. Sorry vegans! It’s up to you to make the choice. For this time I decided to season my risotto with saffron. This …