Wrap with cabbage and egg - Tastecelebration.com
A few days ago, at our weekly biological market here in Haarlem, i went berserk on al the cabbage that was laying there screaming my name. I bought 4 different kinds of cabbage; pointed, Chinese , Cavalo nero and the oh so hip, green kale. So now I eat cabbage about 3 times a day :0) Well, I’m not complaining! A separate post is coming about the different cabbage and their characteristics soon under Tastebuds. But now on for my nice lunch for today. To make the wrap I used a Paleo wrap made of coconut flesh from my favorite raw food store. If you live in the Netherlands, you can buy the wrap here Unlimitedhealth.nl (click on the link). If you can’t manage to find the wrap, just working with the omelette as a wrap also works but it will be a bit less crunchy. Maybe you could then consider adding some toasted walnuts or pecan to the cabbage and in that way get the crunch? Let’s get to work! 1 wrap for 1 person Ingredients omelette 1 egg 2 tsp Cavalo …