Vegan patties with eggplant and tzatsiki - Tastecelebration.com
I’m so happy with this recipe! It tastes great, it looks fresh, it’s 100% vegan and has funny elements for any foodie with some will for using products in a maybe new way. First of all, the cashew cream. It’s not my invention at all. Cashew cream has been used for quite some years by vegans all over the world but it is new to me. And you know the feeling of having a revelation? This is one like that. Why on earth didn’t I try this earlier? Such a soft taste and creamy substance, easy to combine with so many flavors. I see so many possibilities! For this time I tried a lovely garlic-smelling tzatsiki. It works perfect with my small patties made of eggplant and crunchy sunflower seeds. For this occasion I just added a “hill” of fresh, green salad. For a more filling alternative, add mashed cauliflower or maybe some kidney beans in a good dressing. To make the patties “stick”, I have used chia eggs instead of eggs. Chia is a minuscule seed with great …