Whether studying, working late hours or sitting at home having a good time, sometimes a sudden craving can overwhelm us all. A craving for something, almost anything. Something crunchy and something good that fits both tea and coffee. Something that you can eat without getting a bad conscience. Something that might be spelled crunchy muesli ball?
Sounds like a strange combination with banana and carrot but I promise, it is delicious! I tried with just the banana as well and it works absolutely, but it gets a very intense banana flavor that I wasn’t so keen on. The carrot on the other hand has a balanced sweetness that marries nicely with the other flavors. Perfect to make when you have some leftover cooked carrots in the fridge!
Keep in mind that the carrots, banana and the melted coconut oil must have about the same temperature. If you take out the carrots from the fridge and try to mix it with the coconut oil it will solidify in no-time. If it still would happen, you can always warm up the whole bowl including the banana, carrot and oil in the microwave or in a au-bain marie.
The balls are easy to roll with your hands. If you don’t want to get messy, use a small teaspoon instead. If you can’t finish all of them in time, just put them in the freezer. Perfect for the next time you get those overwhelming cravings.
Let’s get to work!
Crunchy muesli ball
Makes about 50 pieces
50 g / 1.60 oz deodorized coconut oil
150 gram (about 1) very ripe banana
140 gram already boiled carrots
30 gram / 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 pinch of sisal
20 gram / 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
30 gram / 3 tablespoons of raw cacao nibs
50 grams (brown) apricots, finely chopped
2 drops of vanilla essence (or 1 teaspoon vanilla powder)
Finely grated zest of 1 (biological) orange
50 grams / 1 cup buckwheat oats
50 grams / 1 cup millet oats
3 g / 1 tsp baking powder
How do I do it?
1. Melt the coconut oil in au-bain marie or in the microwave.
2. Turn on the oven to 150°C. Prepare a baking tray with baking parchment.
3. Mix in a kitchen aid or with a hand blender the banana, carrot and coconut oil until completely smooth. It is important that you get a smooth and fine batter before proceeding. See comment above about temperature.
4. Fold the remaining ingredients into the mixed bananas, carrots and oil until you have even batter. It is important that you don’t mix at this state, then you will break all the crunchy ingredients!
5. Spoon or roll tiny balls of the batter. There shouldn’t be bigger then a teaspoon. Put them tightly on the baking parchment. If preferred, flat each small ball with the thumb to prevent it from burning later.
6. Place the tray with the balls low in the oven for about 30-35 minutes. Check so that they are not getting burned. When the balls feels dry and crisp, they are ready. The cookies can be enjoyed immediately if needed.
This recipe is free from eggs, nuts, gluten, refined sugar and lactose.