Pink ricepaper rolls with tamarind dip and cashew furikake
Pink ricepaper rolls with tamarind dip and cashew furikake. A long title and a long post but don’t be discouraged! Rice rolls are one of the easiest things to make.
Pink ricepaper rolls with tamarind dip and cashew furikake. A long title and a long post but don’t be discouraged! Rice rolls are one of the easiest things to make.
So finally, December is past and January started. I hope you al have had a good Christmas and new year! Personally I couldn’t wait for the routines of normal weekdays to start again. Not so much because I don’t like holiday’s but because I like the feeling of being “on it” with both food and sports. Do you feel the same? Maybe you also have the feeling, just like me, of bringing in new routines in your life, or just taking back the old ones you had? Maybe this soup is the kick in the right direction?