All posts tagged: cavalo nero


Root vegetables with fennel seeds and millet

I think that I have done this very simple dish about 5 times in the past two weeks. My dinner (or lunch for that matter) with root vegetables with fennel seeds and millet is so tasty, quickly made and filled with goodies that there’s really no reason not to make it. If you ask me ;0)


Review Optimum 700 advanced cold-press juicer and a Cavalo nero juice

Some time ago I received a Froothie’s Review Optimum 700 advanced cold-press juicer. After a few weeks of using the machine, I’m ready to write a first review with my findings including a small recipe for a simple and mild green juice. 


Cabbage and kale

Autumn and winter are really the seasons for al different kinds of cabbage and kale. In my family, we hardly had any of these veggies on our dinner table when I was a child. My mother didn’t like the smell, nor the taste. In other words, discovering the world of kale has been more or less an adventure in later years for me. But boy, do I catch up for lost time!