Pear muffins with white chocolate and pecans
Al of a suddden autumn came, frost warning and quickly I had to pick the last pears still hanging on our pear trellis. High time to make this goodie! Pear muffins with white chocolate and pecans.
Al of a suddden autumn came, frost warning and quickly I had to pick the last pears still hanging on our pear trellis. High time to make this goodie! Pear muffins with white chocolate and pecans.
Today a review from a fantastic book, the Vegan cuisine by the top vegan chef Jean-Christian Jury. From the book I make braised pears with cabbage confit and white chocolate-onion puree.
As you may have noticed, I just love cooking books! I read them in English, Dutch and Swedish. Today I have chosen a real nice Swedish one for you, Raw fika. Let me just explain the Swedish word fika first.
Since a few weeks I have been, like many more in this season, struggling with a cold, fever and just in general a feeling of being ill. I’m now REALLY fed up with it, this has to stop NOW! A soothing smoothie fits me perfect!