All posts tagged: pointed cabbage


Pointed cabbage with lemon, parmesan and butter

Lemon, parmesan and butter – it simply can’t go wrong! This is something easygoing to make for lunch; it’s comforting, warm and really tasty! 


Cabbage and kale

Autumn and winter are really the seasons for al different kinds of cabbage and kale. In my family, we hardly had any of these veggies on our dinner table when I was a child. My mother didn’t like the smell, nor the taste. In other words, discovering the world of kale has been more or less an adventure in later years for me. But boy, do I catch up for lost time! 

Cauliflower-leaves and truffel tapenade

I have thrown away pure gold for many, many years but finally i see the light! I’m talking about the green leaves from the cauliflower. Crunchy, easy to spice up and almost for free. Have you been doing the same as I? Well, it is time to stop and actually start using this what we normally maybe would see as something for the green bin.