All posts filed under: Without refined sugar


Avocado ice cream with mint and chocolate sauce

If someone would have mentioned a recipe for ice cream made of mainly avocado a few years ago, I would have been thinking he/she was a lunatic. Luckily people change and so do I. I hope you are ready for it as well!

Raw smoothie with fig

Raw smoothie with pear and figs

Since a few weeks I have been, like many more in this season, struggling with a cold, fever and just in general a feeling of being ill. I’m now REALLY fed up with it, this has to stop NOW! A soothing smoothie fits me perfect!

Raw smoothie with dragon fruit and saffron

When in Spain a few days ago for work, I of course also visited the Mercado de la Boqueria in Barcelona. The giant food market is to be found in the middle of the city, along Les Rambles where all tourists and pickpockets thieves come together. I visited the market together with my husband and a student Frederique. Luckily we found out already a few days before our trip that we both share the same interest. FOOD! Great fun in other words!

Sunday treat with pumpkin muffin

It’s Sunday afternoon, its almost the end of september 2015. You have been good all week doing your workouts, you are well prepared for the coming week, you have been kind to your children/ husband/wife (pick an appropriate alternative). Now it is finally you-time!

Chocolate and lavender balls

In Sweden we are all brought up with chocolate balls. I believe it is the first cake you often are allowed to make on your own for your parents if you are about five years old. Chokladbullar.

Chocolate bark with lavender and marigold

Oh my gosh! This taste so good, and it’s not too bad for your body either. Full of raw goodies, good fats and minimal with sugar. In short a win-win, thumb up in other words.