I love basil, I love pesto and I always make an enthusiastic amount. I add it to my tomatoes, to my green pasta, to my meat but then… At a certain moment I tend to wonder what the heck to do with last leftovers. Do you have the same problem? Well. For all foodies out there, meet my new category: Love your leftovers. Give them new life!
These crackers are a crunchy result of actually being fed up with my pesto. But they turned out so good so of course I would love to share it with you guys! Yum!
Let’s get to work!
Crackers with pesto
Makes a small tray of crackers depending on how thick you make them.
100 gram / 3,65 oz almond flour
1 egg (normal sized)
80 gram /2,95 oz grated cheese
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons pesto (preferably homemade)
(A post only about pesto will be online within short!)
How do I do it?
1. Set the oven on 200° C.
2. Mix all ingredients (except the pesto) in a mixer bowl. Mix until you have an equal dough.
3. Prepare a tray with baking parchment. Place the dough on the paper and cover with a piece of soft plastic folie, this will protect the dough from sticking to the roll. Roll out the dough until you have a thin layer, you decide yourself how thin you prefer it.
4. When ready, remove the plastic and spread the pesto in a thin layer on top of the dough.
5. Place the tray in the oven. Set the timer for 10 minutes.
6. Take the tray out of the oven and cut it in smaller pieces suitable for your crackers. Lower the temperature to 140° C.
7. Place the tray back in the oven. For a crispy result, set the timer for another 20-30 minutes. Watch so it won’t burn!
Enjoy the crackers with French cheeses, a (tomato)soup or just as any cracker with topping of your own choice. You could also choose other herbs or just sea salt to add to on top of your crackers to alter the taste.
This recipe is gluten free and according to LCHF.